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What happens when a Form is submitted?

When a form is submitted in Visme, it triggers actions that ensure smooth data collection and notification processes. This support article aims to clarify what happens behind the scenes when a form is submitted, providing insights into managing and utilizing the data captured through your forms effectively.

New Form Submission Notification Email:

The form owner will receive an email with the submission details. This includes the form name, owner, and the provided answers.

Form Data automatically updated:

The form results will automatically update in the ‘Results’ tab. You’ll find the following information:

Views: Number of times the form was viewed.

Starts: Number of users who started the form.

Submitted: Number of users who completed the form.

Completion Rate: Percentage of completions.

Average Time: Average time taken to complete the form.

Date: Date of each completed form.

Email: The email submitted in the form

Name: The name of the submitter (if this was one of the required fields)

Completion Time: Time taken to complete the form.

Location: Country/city from which the visitor accessed the form.

Language: Language used by the user to interact with or complete the form.

Note: Next to the My Form Stats, you can filter your responses by device (Desktop/Mobile) and by specific time frames.

User Notifications:

Currently, the form submitter will not receive any notification. They will only see a confirmation on the form itself, without receiving an email, SMS, or any other notification about the form completion.

Coming Soon:

We are continuously improving our form features to improve your experience with Visme. Here’s what you can look forward to in upcoming updates:

Additional Emails: Soon, you will have the ability to designate additional or different email recipients for the submissions.

Auto Responses: You will soon be able to create and fully customize auto responses that are sent immediately after a form submission, providing instant feedback to the submitters.

Stay tuned for these exciting updates that will further streamline your form management and communication processes in Visme.


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