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How to change the angle of your Images


One of the exciting features offered by Visme is the ability to easily adjust the angle of your photos. This powerful tool allows you to add depth and perspective to your designs, providing a fresh and dimensional look. By changing the angle of your photos, you can unleash your creativity and bring a unique visual impact to your projects. Let’s explore how this feature can elevate your designs and unlock a new level of visual storytelling with Visme!

First, select the desired photo you want to edit and navigate to the top of the screen and locate the Effects tab. Then, select Geometry from the options that appear.


Select the desired photo you want to edit and navigate to the top left of the screen and locate the Edit tab. Then, select Geometry from the options that appear.

Once you’ve accessed the Geometry effects in the Visme Editor, you’ll find a variety of options to adjust the angle of your photos. Take a moment to scroll through the available choices, including Top, Bottom, Right, Left, and more. Explore the different angles and select the one that best suits your vision and enhances your design.

To fine-tune the angle of your image precisely, utilize the sliders located at the bottom of the editor. These sliders grant you the flexibility to manually adjust the angle of your image with utmost precision.

Note: Enhance your images in Visme by applying filters. Add a vintage feel, boost colors, or create dramatic effects with just a few clicks.

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