Have you ever presented during a live meeting and found yourself jumping between browser tabs to review your presentation or content and then your website?
While we have been doing this format of presenting for a long time, and perhaps you have gotten really good at it, there’s an unavoidable sense of distraction and sometimes clunkiness to having to move back and forth between browser windows in order to present all of the visuals you need when you are also demonstrating areas of your website or online platforms.
There’s a solution: Embed your website directly into your Visme project so you can keep your audience and presenting view focused within one clean location.
Let’s review how Visme’s Enterprise plans offer you to achieve this effortless sharing while propelling your presentations to new heights:
This HTML embedment feature that supports this capability is only available with Enterprise plans.
Important: Some websites are designed to have blockers on them to allow other sites/visitors to crawl the size or “pick it up” to embed it within another platform or online solution. This is unfortunately something that the Visme platform cannot work around. If you are within a Visme Enterprise plan and you are having challenges with your site embedding into Visme through the instructions below, please connect with your Website Development or IT team to review options to potentially whitelist the Visme domain to allow for embedments, or to adjust other settings within the backend of the website to allow for your site to be embedded.
Let’s Dive in:
Open up your project and locate the left-hand sidebar. Then, click the Media tab to move on to the next step.
In the Media tab, look for the Embed Online Content option. Click on it and a pop-up window appears. Then, select HTML from the drop-down menu.
Navigate to the website you want to embed, right-click on the page, and select View Page Source. This will open up a new browser tab with the website’s HTML code. From there, just highlight the code and copy it.
Note: Keep in mind that this method may vary depending on your browser.
Return to the pop-up window, and paste the HTML code into the designated area. Then, click the
Insert button to move to the next step.
Or… here’s another way you can achieve embedding your website:
Copy the website’s URL you wish to embed into your project, and then insert it into the URL section.
Note: Once you’ve embedded the website, you can adjust the width and height pixel dimensions to make the embedded view larger or smaller within your project.
Congratulations, you have successfully embedded your website into your Visme project!