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How to embed Tableau Graphs and Charts into Visme

As data enthusiasts here at Visme, we’ve empowered our users with the ability to create interactive, more engaging data visualizations — while also granting efficiency in how our users can import their data into graphs/charts for their content creations. This capability stands as one of the top reasons our user community adopts Visme across their organization.

How to use Visme for Tableau graphs/charts and dashboards within an Enterprise Plan.

In embracing Big Data, companies are pooling data sources together from various areas to build visibility towards trends — allowing them to forecast potential outcomes and drivers to make more informed, strategic decisions for their future.

This brings the need for intelligent, complex platforms that are used by advanced data engineers. The data is then bound together into complex views that can be challenging to understand — especially for those that do not sit close to the data platforms every day.

For our community of Tableau users, Visme has become the information transfer application that creates context and supporting information surrounding Tableau data views.

From the editor window of your project, click on the Media tab on the left side panel and then select Embed Online Content.

A pop-up window will appear. From there, select HTML from the dropdown menu.

Note: The HTML Code button is only available within our Enterprise subscription. Click here to talk with a specialized Sales Representative about how you can launch your Enterprise subscription today.

Copy the HTML code from Tableau, paste it into the Custom HTML-code window and click Insert. Your Tableau graph/chart or dashboard will populate within your Visme project.

Note: To best support your Tableau embedments, take advantage of Visme’s publish/share feature.

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