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Analytics – Tracking traffic & statistics of projects

Visme’s Analytics allows you to track the traffic for any projects you have created in Visme that have been published using the Share button in the editor. This will allow you to gauge the effectiveness of each of your projects over any given period of time. Here’s how to check your analytics:


Metrics are collected by each project, so you can have insightfully granular details for how your viewers are engaging with your content. These insights create layers of opportunity — like being able to assess how your content is performing, how to further engage your audiences, and even audit if your stakeholders are fully reviewing your materials.

From your Visme Dashboard, click on the “Data” tab along the left sidebar.

You can also access your Analytics from the Visme editor of your project by clicking on the Analytics button under the project title at the top of your screen. You will see a summary of your project data. From there, you can access the full reports by clicking on the Access full analytics button.

You will access your “Analytics” page from where you will be able to have a Global view for all projects within your account to see Views, Unique Visits, Average time, Average Completion and more.

Note: You can export the data as CSV and filter the data by date range as needed. Admin users within the Workspace are able to see all projects created by every user in the workspace, while Workspace Members are able to see the projects that they own and have published into a shareable URL.

From the project’s list, hover over the project you wish to view the data and click on it to view more information about that specific project.

You will access the “Analytics” page of that project where you will be able to see Views, Unique Visits, Activity, Completion and more information such as date/time of view, visitor IP, visitor location, total time spent on the project and source.

Note: When a public project is viewed, Visme will detect the location the user is coming from including their country, IP address as well as the length of time he/she spends viewing your project.

You can also access the “Analytics” page of a project by clicking on the “Menu” button at the bottom right of your project. Then, from the dropdown menu, click on the “Analytics” button.

Metric’s definitions:

Views: Views are the number of times visitors access your projects. It’s important to note that views are not the number of people who access your project.

Unique Visits: The number of unique visitors who access your project.

Average time: Average time is how long a visitor spent on your projects in total. It’s the total time spent of all the visits divided by your number of projects.

Average Completion: This metric indicates what average percentage of your projects your visitors viewed.

Activity: This metric indicates what percentage of your projects were 100% viewed by all the visitors.

Completion: This metric indicates how many views of your project were completely viewed.

Date/Time: The Date and time of each unique visit.

Duration: The length of time the visitor viewed the project.

IP Address: The unique IP address the visitor came from.

Location: The country the visitor came from.

Organization: The name of the organization that is accessing the data.  (This feature requires Form to be turned on for project)

Total Time: The duration of the individual visit.

Source: The type of source for project.  For example if project is embed to a website, Visme can pick-up if it was a embed project or if it was Public project (visible to others), etc..

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