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Using the Slide Library


The Slide Library feature in Visme allows you to create universal slides which can be used at any time in any of your presentations. This is a very useful when you want to create slides which contain general information, like pricing tables or contact information. It’s advantageous to create a reusable resource that you can update at scale, instead of always starting from scratch or having to make manual changes to many presentations.

For example: Imagine having fifteen (15) presentations that need a slide containing your business’ mission statement, services details, standard metrics or reports and diagrams. When you have created these slides in your Slide Library, you can easily add that slide into all of the relevant presentations being created across your team!

Note: Slides that are added to the Slide Library can only be used in Presentation formats. They are not compatible with other formats types, such as an infographic or Social Graphic.

How to use the Slide Library:

Adding a Slide to the Slide Library

From your Dashboard, open the project that contains the slide you want to add to your Slide Library.

Once the Editor window loads, navigate to the right panel and hover your mouse to the gear icon on the slide’s top left corner and click.

From the dropdown menu that appears, select Save to Library. You can name your slide and add it to the Slide Library; now it is ready to be added to any other presentation.

Note: Note for users permissioned as As Admins or Marketing Managers: A slide that is added to the Slide Library cannot be edited within a project that contains that slide. Instead, you need to access them from the Slide Library first and then edit it there. Any changes you make will be automatically updated in all of the projects that feature this slide.

Manually Adding a Slide From the Slide Library

From the editor window of your project, navigate to the Slides panel on the right and click +New Slide

From the Slides Menu that appears, select “My Library” to access to your Slide Library slides.

Select the slide you wish to add by hovering over it and clicking on the “Insert” button, or simply clicking and dragging it over to the Slides menu.

While you can add a Slide Library slide to any Presentation, they will remain locked and you cannot edit them within the Presentation editor. Do you have a need to change or update that slide? Navigate back to the Dashboard and open the Slide Library along the left sidebar to access the slide for editing. All changes you make to the slide in the Slide Library will automatically save and update in every Presentation in which the slide is published.

Now you’re well on your way to featuring universal slides throughout your Visme Presentations!

Note: You can easily organize and locate Slide Library slides and easily add them to your presentation by using Slide Library Groups. Learn more here.

Note: Slide Library slides may render in unwanted ways due to canvas dimensions for your project. For example, if you’re working in a Presentation that was created from an imported legacy Powerpoint presentation, the slide dimensions will likely be slightly smaller than a slide that was created in Visme. If you have a large library of legacy PowerPoint presentations and wish to make good use of your Slide Library, this can get tricky. In this case, we suggest that your PowerPoint projects are set to the Visme standard high-definition size of 1366 x 768. This way your Slide Library slide will render the same across your full library of Presentations.

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