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Link Expiration

Are you seeking greater control over your online projects? Within your Visme Enterprise plan, you have the ability to set an expiration date and time for any project you publish as a viewable link. This feature empowers you to determine when your project becomes inactive, giving you precise control over its online visibility. Moreover, the project expiration date will be seamlessly integrated into the Content Calendar in Visme, providing you with quick visibility for all expiring project links and their corresponding dates. Let’s dive into the details step by step below:

To begin, click the Share button located in the top-right corner of the screen, which will take you to the Share Online page.

Next, navigate to the Share Privately tab and access the Advanced Options tab within it. Once there, you’ll find the Set Expiration switch.

Simply turn the Set Expiration switch ON to activate it. This allows you to set an expiration date for when your published project link will no longer be viewable.

Utilize the date box to select the specific date and time at which you’d like your link to expire. The time represented within the window is according to your local time zone.

You’re all set! Your project link will now expire as per your chosen settings.

Note: You’ll receive email notifications as your project’s expiration date approaches, ensuring you stay informed and giving you the opportunity to update the expiration date within Visme if necessary.
Note: Both you and the Admin Users in your workspace will receive email notifications confirming that the project has officially expired.
Note: This feature can benefit you if you have sensitive information within your projects that needs to be automatically deactivated or pulled out of visibility on the web. This can be particularly helpful for you if you have GDPR requirements or sensitivities. 

Additionally, you can use the Content Calendar and notification emails to help you determine if you should archive any work in order to help you manage storage available within your Visme workspace.

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