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Importing Data Into Charts & Graphs


In addition to creating custom charts and graphs to visualize your data, you can import data from Google Sheets, MS Excel, Google Analytics, and SurveyMonkey. Here’s how:

To learn more about how to create and customize charts and graphs, check out this resource.

Connect Live Data (Google Sheets)

From the editor window of your project, select the chart you’ve created in your project and then click on the Import Data tab on the left. The list of available options will appear.


Google Sheets

For connecting to and importing from a Google Sheet, you’ll need to import your Google Spreadsheet:

From your Google Spreadsheet, click on the Share button and once in the Link Box, change the link to Anyone with the link. Once that is done, Copy the link (URL).

Select the Google Sheets option and paste the link on the Google Link Field. Then, click on Connect to move forward.

For the next steps, scroll down to the bottom of this article – After Connecting Data – What’s Next?


Import Data from Microsoft Excel

For a Microsoft Excel file, you can import XLSX files or CSV files. Here’s how:

Select the Microsoft Excel option and click on the Select File option to import the file from your computer. The data will be automatically added to your Graph or Chart.

Note: We suggest you work with aggregate or pivoted data for your spreadsheet imports. Visme will use the first tab (or sheet) within your Excel file that you import into the graph engine. The data will populate into the Chart Data tab where you can continue to make adjustments to the data manually as needed.

For the next steps after important from your spreadsheet, scroll down to the bottom of this article – After Connecting Data – What’s Next?


Connecting Charts to External Applications

To import data from Google Analytics, select the Google Analytics button and the click on Connect, which will prompt you to sign in to your Google Analytics account. After logging in, you will be able to choose which analytics data you wish to connect from the options that automatically load.

To import data from SurveyMonkey, select the SurveyMonkey button and the click on Connect, which will prompt you to sign in to your SurveyMonkey account. After logging in, you will be able to choose which survey data you wish to connect from the options that automatically load

After Connecting Data – What’s Next?

You can review the new data in the Chart Data tab and customize your Graph or Chart settings from the Settings tab (You can learn more on how to customize your Graph or Chart here) Also, if you’d like to re-sync the data values with your connected source, click Re-sync Data.

To disconnect your chart from the import source, select the Import Data tab again and click Disconnect. You can then return to the Chart Data tab to adjust your data values.

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