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How to require a user to gain project approval


Content management has become incredibly important. Being able to double-check some key aspects of your content before it goes out into the world is paramount:

– Ensuring your brand is fully honored.

– Verifying the information within the content is accurate and/or compliant.

– Double-checking formatting and alignment of objects in the design.

– Confirming there are no typos, incomplete points, and improperly used visuals.

Allowing your team to create in Visme is a massive time-savings – being able to have many more individuals and subject matter experts working directly on content helps you speed up the creation process. However, mistakes still happen. Visme’s Workflow: Approvals feature allows you to empower your team to create, while also having a required approval step in the process.

Project approval is permission that can be assigned to a specific user by Administrators within your Enterprise plan workspace. Let’s review how!

Note: This feature is only available for Enterprise Plans.

Login to Visme and navigate to the main dashboard. Then, Click on your name at the top right corner of the screen and select Manage my Team from the dropdown menu.

You will be directed to the Workspace Members section, where you can view the list of your team members. Find the user for whom you want to require project approval and click on the Roles dropdown menu next to their account ID.

A pop-up window will appear with the user’s role information. Toggle the Project Approval Required to Publish or Download switch to the ON position.

Save your changes to apply the new setting.

Note: To find out more about approving a project, check out our support article here.

Note: Administrators can always download, publish or share a project, even if the project is not approved or if there are still pending tasks on it.
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