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Using Gradient and Pattern Backgrounds


The gradient background creates visual interest and impact. On the other hand, pattern backgrounds are are great fun to apply to your design without messing the content. Here’s how you can add Pattern and Gradient backgrounds to your project:

Add Pattern Background:

Start by clicking anywhere on the canvas. Click on the  “Background” button on the top left toolbar. You will see that there are multiple background options. Click on the “Patterns” tab.

Scroll through the pre-made patterns backgrounds and select one that you like. Once you do so, the pattern will be applied to your background. Adjust the pattern opacity as needed.

Select None to remove the patterns from your background.

You can also apply patterns over a gradient, images, videos and animations.

Add Gradient Background:

To add a gradient background, click on the “Background” on the top left toolbar. You will see that there are multiple background options. Click Gradients.

Scroll through pre-made gradient backgrounds and click on any of them to apply them to your design. Once you do so, the gradient will be applied to your background.

To customize the gradient color, click on each color on the “Custom” menu and select the combination of colors that look nice together.From there, you will be also able to adjust the gradient direction.

To remove gradient background click on the “Remove Gradient” button at the top left of the screen.

That’s it! You have now created a gradient background in Visme.

Note: In Visme, you can add different types of backgrounds to your projects to change your design and make your graphics feel bright: 

Background Image

– Video Background

– Animated Backgrounds

Note: Here is how to apply a background to your entire project 


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