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Create Interactive Content in Visme

Visme’s features for interactive content creation empower you to create engaging content, while keeping the process for building your materials fast and easy. Interactive content helps to make your messages clearer, grabs and keeps audience attention, helps people remember information, and makes your content stand out. Incorporating interactivity into your content experience encourages people to participate in the material – making your message more powerful and memorable. This article will review all of Visme’s interactive features and how you can bring them into your projects.

Why you should make your content interactive

– To simplify your visual messaging, making data more engaging and supporting understanding.

– To guide your audience through the content in a more engaging way, which helps in  keeping their attention and ensuring they remember the information.

– To elevate your brand and distinguish it from the competition.

– To empower your audience to control their own journey through your content and gather what matters to them.


How to make your content interactive: The “Actions” Menu


From the editor window of your project, select the object you want to make interactive, and then access the ‘Action’ tab from the top menu.

From there, you will be able to convert any object on the canvas into interactive hotspots, enabling viewers to trigger pop-up content with a simple rollover or click. This feature allows you to also apply short video or audio recordings, enriching the viewer’s experience. Additionally, you can use hover effects to break up text and provide viewers with more information without overwhelming the design with a lot of text. You can also turn any design element into a clickable element that jumps to another slide or external destination (maybe even another published Visme project).


Pop-up content

One of the most amazing features of the Actions tab is its ability to convert any object into interactive hotspots for your projects. This enables you to easily trigger pop-up content for your viewers and audience by allowing them to roll over or click on an object to reveal another object or group of objects.

Tip: For more information on creating pop-ups and rollovers, click here.


External Link

The Actions tab also includes hyperlinking – empowering you to set objects as navigational beacons to external websites, email addresses, published Visme projects or social media platforms. This functionality allows you to link to specific words in a textbox, or set an entire object (or group of objects) as an interactive element that directs viewers to specific online destinations.

Tip: For more information on how to link to external destinations, click here.


Link to another slide

From the Actions tab, you can also establish “jump-to” links within the project. This is great for projects with multiple pages or slides, and can also be used within Visme’s infographics. This is particularly useful when creating navigational tools such as a Table of Contents or Index in your project. You can also set the “jump-to” links to buttons and other design elements in order to drive the navigation of the viewer through the content.

Tip: For more information on how to link to another slide, click here.


Hotspot | Add a video or audio recording to an object

Have you ever wished you could explain a part of your content more verbally? Visme’s video and audio hotspots are perfect for that! This functionality allows you to apply video or audio recordings to objects in your project. – allowing your viewers to hover their cursor over a specific area or object to reveal a video or to play an audio. This feature is particularly useful when you want to provide additional context, explanations, or visual demonstrations related to the object.

For more information on adding a video recording to any object, click here.
For more information on adding an audio recording to any object, click here.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are interactive features supported in different types of content?

Interactive content made in Visme can be added to all formats and delivered through published project URLs, HTML5 export, SCORM, or xAPI export for Learning Management Systems. You can also embed your Visme creation on your website.

Does Visme offer interactive training content creation?

Yes, it does. You can learn more about training and development content here.

Can I configure my content to prevent users from clicking through it too quickly?

Yes, users can set up “jump-to” buttons to appear with animation or based on the viewers’ interactions with other objects. This ensures that viewers can progress to other pages or slides only after spending a certain amount of time on the content or clicking on specific areas.

What about animations? Does Visme include animations?

Yes, Visme offers a wide range of animation features, including graphics, text animations, basic animations, custom animations, and more.

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