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Creating Interactive eBooks

eBooks in the past have been typically created and downloaded as a PDF or printed. As online, dynamic documents have grown in popularity and digital capabilities surrounding viewer analytics have grown in importance, content creators have transitioned to more interactive eBook experiences. Visme allows you to create online, live, animated, interactive and dynamic eBooks easily and quickly. With thousands of animated assets to choose from, your eBooks will stand out from anything you’ve ever created before, helping you to:

– Stand out from your competition

– Help your audience retain the information more

– Support the learning and knowledge of your audience

– Elevate the chance for your audience to come back to your content “always wanting more”

Let’s dive into the benefits of eBooks and how to create them in Visme:


Top Benefits of creating interactive eBooks

Better Accessibility: Readers just need to have a smart device to access it. They can easily download the interactive eBook and carry it with them wherever they go.

Stronger Engagement: Creating animated, interactive and dynamic eBooks provides the reader a realistic and immersive experience and it stimulates their imagination and supports information retention.

Affordability: Ebooks come with much lower costs when compared to printed books. This makes it more scalable and can be easily distributed and accessed anywhere–without having to worry about the cost of printing.


What Makes an Interactive Ebook great?

A unique book cover: Having an eye-catching cover makes the difference. A book cover creates the first impression on its potential readers and gives the readers the chance to predict the story or information contained inside.

Table of contents: Your readers need to be able to easily navigate your ebook with a click of a button so they can create their own journey. Having a table of contents gives your ebook a structure and makes your readers’ navigation easier.

Interactive capabilities: Being able to keep readers engaged is one of the important aspects of an eBook. This can be done by simply adding media files, but increasing the readers interest and engagement by allowing your readers to participate in the content experience by adding interactive pop-ups and hover effects is a must as well.

Content and Media: The trick of an interactive eBook is to get the perfect combination of content and media files. Readers’ eyes are attracted to movement, so the movement that videos produce not only naturally grab people’s attention, they keep it. Adding media to your eBook to support the content helps the readers to stay engaged and better understand the information provided.


How to create an Interactive eBook?

Create a Clickable Table of Contents: Make it easy to navigate through your ebook by creating an interactive table of contents.

Add Graphics, Icons & animations: Want to really wow your reader? Spice up and add motion to your eBook using our high-quality hand-picked animated graphics like icons, illustrations, characters, gestures and more. (Some of these animated graphics are one of a kind and made exclusively in-house by our Visme animators and graphic artists – you won’t see them anywhere else!

Include Interactive Charts, Graphs and Maps: If you have any data, statistics or numbers to share in your ebook, consider visualizing them with interactive charts and graphs instead.

Record Voiceover: Give your readers multiple options for consuming your content. While they could always read through your ebook, some people prefer to listen. Give them the best of both worlds with Audio Hotspots, as well.

Add links: Want to provide sources or even more resources to your reader? Simply add links right inside your ebook content. This is a great way to create an interactive bibliography, including clickable in-text citations, link back to your website and more.

Create Popups: Another great interactive feature you can add to your ebook by linking elements is popups. You can choose whether to have elements appear on-click or when your reader hovers over an object.

Embed Videos: We’ve all heard the old adage, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” But what about video? According to a study done a few years ago, a video is worth 1.8 million words. This is due to the rate of which video shoots, and how many words can fit into that time frame.

Add Call-to-Action Buttons: Another great way to make your ebook interactive and increase conversions is to add call-to-action buttons throughout your ebook.

Apply a Flipbook effect to your eBook: Take your regular, scrolling document and convert it into a flippable, interactive piece of content with realistic page turn effects.


Note: Ready to get started creating your next ebook? Take advantage of Visme’s platform to add your favorite interactive ebook features and wow your readers. Simply create, publish and share online with your audience. Learn more on how to do it here. 
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