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Creating Cover Letters in Visme

Cover letters are an essential component for many job applications, serving as your personalized introduction to potential employers. They can allow you to showcase your personality, skills, and suitability for a specific role.

In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating impactful cover letters using Visme, covering design techniques, content strategies, and best practices to help you make a lasting impression in your job application. Here’s how:

Relevant Resources to help you learn more about Cover Letters

Below is a collection of learning resources to help you hone in on your cover letter and optimize it for a more impactful and successful job application process:

– 17 Effective Cover Letter Templates You Can Customize and Download

– Creating Resumes in Visme

How to Start Your Cover Letter

Cover Letter Templates: Here you can find a vast collection of ready-to-use design templates to browse, which are all available in Visme to jumpstart your Cover Letter. Once you find the template you like, select it to log into Visme and start working on it within the editor.

To create your Cover Letter from within Visme: 

Open your web browser and visit the Visme website. Then, sign in to your Visme account or create one if you don’t have one.

Once you’re logged in, you’ll land on the Visme dashboard. Go to the left menu and click on Create New to start a new project.

In the drop-down menu for project creation, select Project and you’ll see different categories. To create a cover letter, select the Documents category.

In that category, scroll sideways to find the Cover Letter section, or use the search bar to easily locate it.. Click on it to see the Visme Cover Letter templates.

Check out the different Cover Letter templates available. Visme has lots of options for different industries and styles. When you find one you like, click on it to pick it.

When you choose a template, you’ll be redirected to the Visme editor. Here, you can change and edit everything in the template to fit your details.

Note: In this video, you’ll see how you can locate the template library and select a desired template for your project.

Key elements your Cover Letter should include: 

Contact Information: Add your full name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile (if applicable) at the cover letter’s top for easy accessibility.

Salutation: Address the recipient by name whenever possible, utilizing a professional salutation.

Introduction: Craft an opening paragraph introducing yourself and expressing enthusiasm for the position. Reference how you discovered the job opportunity and briefly highlight what makes you a strong fit.

Job-Specific Skills and Achievements: Showcase your key skills and achievements relevant to the job. Use this section to illustrate your qualifications and how they align with the employer’s requirements.

Data & Statistics: Don’t hesitate in calling out key metrics and stats you have achieved in your role – highlighting those data points in your cover letter is a great way to build a reader’s inclination to also view your full resume and take your application seriously.

Company Research: Demonstrate your knowledge of the company by referencing specific projects, values, or achievements. This showcases interest and a connection to the organization.

Tailored Experiences: Share experiences directly related to the job requirements. Provide specific examples to illustrate your capabilities and contributions.

Closing Paragraph: Summarize your interest in the position and express enthusiasm. Include a call-to-action, such as expressing your interest for an interview or offering additional materials.

Formal Closing: Conclude the cover letter with a professional closing, followed by your full name. Leave space for your signature if submitting a physical copy.


Special Touches in Visme for your Cover Letter

Below is a list of great elements you can incorporate into your project to help your cover letter effectively showcase your qualifications and leave a positive impact on potential employers.

Customize the Design for Visual Impact: Use a color scheme that matches and compliments any of your other materials you are sending in your application. You can also add a subtle background or watermark that complements the content.

Personal Branding: Using the Brand Area to keep consistency within all of the resources and applying an overall design and aesthetic is a great way to develop your own personal brand and identity.

Portfolio and LinkedIn Links: Add clickable links for your work portfolio and LinkedIn profile, enabling easy exploration of your professional background, projects, and endorsements.

QR Codes: Who doesn’t enjoy a QR Code? Including a QR code that your cover letter readers can scan to jump to specific online resources you hope to share with them is a great way to build intrigue and enable them to view more online resources easily. You can create QR Codes in Visme, too – here’s how!

Visme AI Writer: Use Visme’s AI Writer to refine language and align with the industry and position you’re applying for.

Personalized Video Message: Record a short video introduction to convey your personality and qualities. Embed the video for a multimedia experience in your cover letter.


How to Export and Share your Cover Letter

Now that your project is completed, how you showcase it and share it with your audience is the next key step. Let’s review Visme’s export and sharing options below to help you determine which one is right for your Cover Letter.

Export Options: 

Download your Cover Letter as a PDF – To obtain a high-quality and professional download for your cover letter, save it as a PDF. If you plan to print it, download it as a PDF with bleed marks for optimal printing results. Here’s how to Download as a PDF.

Sharing Options:

Publish and share your Cover Letter – Publish your cover letter and make it accessible to your desired audience through a shareable link. Here’s how to publish and share your Visme project. 

Share your Cover Letter privately – Share your Cover Letter with a select few using a shareable link, while keeping it private from the rest of the world. Here’s how to share your Visme project privately.

Using Visme’s Sharing options as a Pro Plan user allows you to gain analytics for how your projects are being viewed online – Learn more about Visme’s Analytics here!


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