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Visme Workspaces – Overview

Visme Workspaces allow you to create and be part of multiple workspaces. Workspaces act as containers for you as a user to create/organize and share projects available to the team members within that Workspace.

Just a few example use cases:

  • A freelancer can have different workspaces for each customer to manage
  • A business may have different departments and wants to keep teams separate, each with their own administrators, projects or unique team members
  • An individual may want to have their personal workspace separate from their business workspace.

Say you have a presentation to create with your other team from an organization that you just joined, but you’d prefer to not create that project under your own personal workspace. Since you want to keep things tidy, creating a new Visme account can be a hassle (and inefficient if you have multiple accounts), but by using Visme Workspaces you’ll be able to create a new workspace for you and your colleagues in a few clicks and be able to seamlessly switch between workspaces as needed.

Each workspace can be composed of different members, different plans and each can either be a free or paid workspace.

Let’s dive into more details regarding the differences between a Free and Paid workspace.

From the top:

  • Each workspace can contain multiple users
  • A person can belong to their own workspace and other workspaces
  • The person who creates the workspace is the owner and has full administrative control
  • The Owner can set permissions for invited users
  • A workspace can be free or paid and all members will inherit the plan type
    • Free workspace can have up to 10 active users. In order to have more than 10 active users, the workspace should first be upgraded to a paid one. Free workspace can also at any time be converted to Paid workspace. If the workspace is just made of free users, the admin of the workspace can if desired remove some users and upgrade the rest of users to paid plan. Pricing is based on Price/per user x # of users.
    • Paid workspace (can either be under Standard or Business plan) cost of each user in the workspace (during upgrade users need to pay for all currently active users in the workspace or remove some of them before upgrading). When someone is invited to a paid workspace without free licenses, his/her status is “inactive” and the administrator of the workspace needs to go and pay for those users to activate them.

Roles Inside Visme Workspaces

Under the workspaces there are three different user roles, a user can either be an “Owner” of the workspace “Member” or “Administrator“, by default the owner will be the first person that creates the workspace.

Administrator Role: As an Administrator you will be able to add or remove users, assign user roles, upgrade the workspace and also edit and deactivate users.

Member Role: As a member, you will be able to collaborate with others under the same workspace, invite other people, see the list of people under the workspace but not be able to activate users, which falls under Administrator privilege.

Now that you know what Visme workspaces are, let’s get started and create a workspace. Check the below guides on how to create a workspace and manage it.


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