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Set & Share Permissions to Folders


Visme allows you to share content with other users and also allows you to set permissions to certain folders. For example, a team in Visme may be composed of 5 users, and those users may be organized into sub-groups. Administrators can organize their team in the Manage My Team area for sub-groups, and the rest of the team is able to collaborate with individuals or team members within a sub-user group by sharing project folders with them.

From your Dashboard, select the menu button for the folder you wish to share, then click Share Folder.

In the window that appears, use the drop-down menu to select the team members or user groups of the viewers and collaborators you wish to grant access to the folder and decide who gets to view or edit your folder

You’re done! Your folder was successfully shared

– Only the folder owner or admin can update the permissions to the folder.

– Only the folder owner or an admin user can move the folder into another folder within the dashboard.

Helpful Tips:

– To learn more about Team plans features and benefits, click here.

– Do you want to add more users to your Visme plan to collaborate and work with you? You can learn more about managing your team in Visme in this resource.


– Visme also allows you to set permissions to projects. Learn more here.
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